INTRODUCTION These are my choices for anime husbandos and waifus! (only shows I know) EVERY OURAN HOST SPIKE SPEIGEL LINK TODOROKI, DEKU AND BAKUGOU YUMEKO JABAMI SENKU ISHIGAMI JOKER (PERSONA 5) KURAMA (YU YU HAKUSHO) NEZUKO KAMADO KANAO RYUKO MATOI REASON They are pretty popular and are the top choices, for me at least. Here,Continue reading “ABOUT: ANIME CRUSHES”


INTRODUCTION A list of anime tropes that I see common in anime. THE UNREASONABLE TSUNDERE These characters use excessive violence just because of the slightest thing that hints them liking their crush. This gets annoying after a while. THE NON-EXISTENT PARENTS Whether on a business trip or just dead, these parents are very non-existent inContinue reading “ANIME TROPES”


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